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1:1 Coaching

We Zoom In & We Zoom Out
We assess multiple perspectives, from big-picture vision to day-to-day reality, while helping you nurture a winning mindset.

Big Picture Vision
We step out of the present in order to examine the gaps that exist today and plan the future you want to build towards.
Understanding where you are

Understanding your current state
Discerning what success looks like
Articulating goals & objectives
Creating the steps to achieve goals
the plan
Reviewing & adapting based on outcomes
Discerning what success looks like
Defining the approach to reaching success
Creating the steps to get there
the plan
Reviewing & adapting based on outcomes
We look to improve your present by addressing ongoing challenges across topics such as:



Our Approach
Our Approach
What Coaching Can Bring

Meet Antonio
Having founded and operated businesses across different industries and markets, I’m passionate about leveraging my exposure to help others realize their vision. Having an external point of view has been key to my success and it inspired me to support others on their journey.
Growing can be challenging, but it can also be invigorating. Sometimes you need someone to reflect with - an outsider’s perspective - sometimes you need a brainstorming partner and sometimes you need help to keep you on track.

I'm from Venezuela but I'm also half Italian. I love cooking and exploring the world through food. I am married to an artist called Willow, and we have a daughter called Noa.
Meet Antonio
Client Testimonials

What is coaching?A collaborative, managed, and focused conversation in which coach and coachee work in partnership towards progress on an agreed outcome or solution. Usually some form of advancement and learning, awareness, performance, growth, development, or personal and/or professional change. The coach facilitates this process through the application and integration of a variety of approaches, styles, skills, and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place. Source: School of Positive Transformation
How is coaching different from therapy?Therapy usually focuses on past traumatic experiences to understand the current situation. While coaching focuses on the present and is future oriented by creating goals and action plans.
Is there a structure to follow?The coachee and the coach define how best to structure the work and decide what gets discussed in the sessions. Sessions can be used as a means to stay accountable and measure progress against actions set, for exploratory conversation, or both.
How to prepare for a coaching session?It really depends on the structure the coachee agrees with the coach. Sometimes it might require a recap and continuation on the work that was set in a previous sessions. Other times it might require the coachee to bring a topic to explore together.
How to measure success?Success is determined by the goals the coachee agrees with the coach. The coach and coachee hold a review at the end of each coaching period for evaluating progress and planning ahead.
How long and how often sessions take place?Sessions tend to last 60 minutes, taking place twice a month.
Where do the sessions take place?Sessions take place over Google Meet or Zoom.
Is it confidential?Yes. Nothing will be shared outside the sessions.
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